Maintaining AFMA Accreditation
How to remain accredited
In order to maintain accreditation, Accredited Individuals must:
- undertake 20 hours per year of continuing education (CE)
- record and report their education activities, as outlined below
- remain employed by an AFMA Member organisation.
- conduct themselves in accordance with the AFMA Code of Conduct.
Note that AFMA has now introduced a per capita annual fee for accredited individuals, levied at the member firm level.
Note also that accredited individuals must now also complete the Professionalism: Conduct & Ethics course to remain accredited.*+**
Continuing education (CE)
Once accredited, it is important that individuals proactively seek to extend and further develop their expertise, or take on new areas of knowledge and skill. This is best done by undertaking ongoing education.
AFMA’s Continuing Education (CE) Guidelines ensures that there exists a framework for organisations to work with their accredited employees to plan their ongoing education. It also sets out the management and administration of adherence to the guidelines. The CE Guidelines are part of the AFMA Accreditation Guidelines.
Recording and reporting CE
At the conclusion of each reporting year, every Member organisation must verify that Accredited Individuals have fulfilled their CE requirements and are still in the employ of the Member organisation. This will be requested on an annual basis in aggregate form. Members have one month to provide the information upon request from AFMA.
The number of individuals that a Member organisation verifies determines the accreditation fee for the member firm.
Transferring between member organisations
When an AFMA accredited individual transfers between member firms, the individual or their accreditation representative should contact AFMA to obtain the appropriate forms.
If you have any questions about maintaining your accreditation, please refer the AFMA Accreditation Guidelines or contact us.
* The Professionalism: Conduct & Ethics course** is a mandatory requirement for all current accredited individuals and those completing the AFMA Financial Markets Program. Individuals completing the Macquarie Business School Financial Markets Certificate are not required to complete this.
+ Individuals who were AFMA accredited (or enrolled in an AFMA Accreditation course) prior to 31 March 2019 have until 31 December 2021 to complete this course however must be enrolled no later than 30 June 2021. An alternative pathway exists for those individuals who have completed a FASEA-approved ethics bridging course (for further information please email [email protected]).
**The Professionalism: Conduct & Ethics course has now been discontinued. Individuals should instead complete Unit 3 - Risk Managemet Principles from the Macquarie Business School Financial Markets Certificate to satisfy the conduct and ethics requirement.