Media & Notices - 2023

Date Title & Summary Topic Area

AFMA Welcomes Government Announcement on Bail-In Bonds

As the peak body representing foreign banks in Australia, the Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA) has today welcomed the Government’s announcement that it intends to clarify the debt treatment of bail-in bonds issued by foreign banks through their Australian branches for tax purposes.


AFMA Fallback Language Template for Floating Rate Notes

The AFMA Fallback Language Template for Floating Rate Notes (FRN) was first published in November 2022 on the AFMA website for incorporation in FRN securities documentation as suggested template language to assist the market. This template has been lightly revised to clarify some language and definitions based on experience with its use


Due Diligence Planning Memorandum Update

AFMA has just published an update to its Due Diligence Planning Memorandum (DDPM) dated June 2024.


New AFMA Gas Conventions

AFMA has published the a new set of Gas Conventions. The conventions are intended to streamline market practices in the Australian gas market and provide the basis for standardised trading in the over-the-counter gas market.


Amendments to the Environmental Products Conventions

AFMA Members and market participants are advised that AFMA’s Environmental Products Committee has adopted amendments to the AFMA Environmental Products Conventions to align them with recent changes to the Environmental Products Addendum and Spot Contract.

The amendments will take effect from 1 January 2024.


Amendments to the Carbon Conventions

AFMA Members and market participants are advised that AFMA’s Carbon Committee has adopted amendments to the AFMA Carbon Conventions to align them with recent changes to the Environmental Products Addendum and Spot Contract.

The amendments will take effect from 1 January 2024.
